Showing posts with label fruit. Show all posts
Showing posts with label fruit. Show all posts

Monday, June 21, 2010

Temptation of the Serpent

Have you ever wanted something so bad and you know isn’t good for you but it just seems so irresistible?

This is the Forbidden Fruit that surrounds us in our daily lives.

We always want what we can’t have, aren’t content or happy with what we already have and even though we know it may cost us a great deal, we take a bite anyway.

It’s so beautiful, enticing and tempting, isn’t it? It seduces you with false promises that it is far better than the dull fruit that you have been eating for so long and that once you taste it you’ll never be the same. It carries a haunting glow and sweet aroma making your mouth water and your heart race.

It can take many forms such as fame, fortune, women, men, cars, houses, affairs and careers.

The Forbidden Fruit is there to test our obedience and measures our level of contentment, loyalty, and faith in our lives. It exists to test your mind, body and spirit. It separates the strong from the weak.

Don’t be mistaken. The forbidden fruit is guarded by the serpent, not by God. God never promised that temptation would not come our way, but that he has given the ability to overcome those urges. It is up to us to use it. Temptation is not the sin, submitting to it is.

Take a look at your life. Are there people, places and things that are calling you, begging you and luring you to just come and take a bite? Have there been situations in the past where you finally took a bite and that tiny bite sent poison throughout your veins and caused you to choke to the point that you can’t breathe? That bite took everything you loved and came with a hefty price tag that you couldn’t afford. It didn’t taste as good and was not as delicious as it appeared and the satisfaction was short-lived. Now when you look back, you miss the fruit that you had been eating all along. The fruit that you had was far greater than the forbidden fruit; you just lost your appreciation for what was given freely.

I encourage you this week to take a look at your life. Appreciate all of the beautiful fruit around you. Take care of it. The more you care for the fruit in your life, the more it will flourish. If you are busy gazing at the forbidden fruit, your fruit may be spoiling.

“For God did not give us a spirit of fear, but a spirit of power, of love and of self-discipline.” 1 Timothy 1:7

"Then the Lord God said to the woman, "What is this you have done?" The woman said, "The serpent deceived me, and I ate." Genesis 3:13

Have a blessed week!

© Copyrights, All rights reserved

Katrina Green
Butterfly Ministries, Inc.

Take a Stand. Spread the Word. Save the Butterflies ♥

"It is the mission of Butterfly Ministries, Inc. to empower and inspire positive transformation in girls and young women by encouraging them to take a stand against gender exploitation and to give rise to a historic revolution."

COMING SOON! Join the Butterfly Movement!

Launching Fall 2010!

"Strength and honor was her clothing" Proverbs 31:25

Monday, February 22, 2010

Empty your basket!

What does it truly mean to forgive?

Forgiveness is one of easiest things to accept but one of the hardest things to extend.

Forgiveness means that you have accepted that the other person is flawed. They fall short, just like you, just like everyone else. It means that you have let go the mental inprisonment that they or their actions have had over you festering like a disease consuming your spirit. It means you have released the bitterness, resentment and anger and lifted it up to God, allowing Him to deal with you, the other person and the situation at hand. It means you finally have stopped trying to control things or people, and understand the only control that you have, is your own actions. It means instead of holding a grudge, you will release it to prayer. It means you will no longer discuss it, hold it over their head or use it against them out of anger, to win an argument or out of convenience.

Forgiveness, however; does not mean that you will enable destructive bahavior any longer. You will not allow the sorrow and affliction to continue on it's dreary path of desolution. You will not allow repetition of dismal, dark and disarray to continue in your life.

Forgiveness is emptying your basket of all of the rotten fruit that you have been carrying in order for God fill it with new fruit. Ripe, fresh and nutritious.

Have you emptied your basket? I mean, all of it? One bad apple destroys the bunch!

Let it go...

Empty your basket!

"He who covers and forgives an offense seeks love, but he who repeats or harps on a matter separates even close friends." Proverbs 17:19

© Copyright – All rights reserved
February 2010

Katrina Green
Butterfly Ministries, Inc.

Take a Stand. Spread the Word. Save the Butterflies ♥

"It is the mission of Butterfly Ministries, Inc. to empower and inspire positive transformation in girls and young women by encouraging them to take a stand against gender exploitation and to give rise to a historic revolution."

COMING SOON! Join the Butterfly Movement!

Launching Spring 2010!

"Strength and honor was her clothing" Proverbs 31:25